I’ll be teaching two nonfiction classes at this year’s (virtual) Mountain Heritage Literary Festival, June 4-5—one on conducting and writing from oral histories, and another on writing from family recipes. I’ll also be on the nonfiction panel with author Cinelle Barnes. See the full schedule, line-up, and get more information here.
Photo via the Vermont Folklife Center
Vermont Folklife Center Summer Institute
This August, Emily will be teaching a one-day workshop at the Vermont Folklife Center’s Discovering Community Summer Institute at The Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.
From the VFC:
Our Discovering Community Summer Institute introduces educators to the methods of ethnographic field research and the techniques of documentary media-making and digital storytelling as a means to facilitate meaningful student involvement with the communities in which they live. Working with community resources and digital media tools offers rich opportunities for personalized, student-led learning experiences. This student-directed research model facilitates the development of transferable skills such as clear and effective communication, responsible and involved citizenship, creative and practical problem solving, and informed and integrative thinking
Thank you to Trish Denton and Mary Wesley of the Vermont Folklife Center for the invitation.
Non-Professional Women Songwriters Workshop at the Lexington Gathering
Join West Virginia state folklorist Emily Hilliard at The Lexington Gathering on Saturday, February 9 for a guided exploration of recordings and ephemera of non-professional women songwriters in Appalachia, including Nora E. Carpenter of Magoffin Co. Kentucky, Shirley Campbell of Kanawha Co. West Virginia, Cora Hairston of Logan Co. West Virginia, Elaine Purkey of Lincoln Co. West Virginia, and Ella Hanshaw of Clay Co. West Virginia. We will celebrate and explore the work of these talented women, including their songwriting scrapbooks and self-documentation, daily creative expression and inspiration, and the importance of their songwriting and musicianship within their own communities.